In the Netherlands, we focus on good citizenship: developing the ability and willingness of young people and adults to contribute to society within the framework of the democratic constitutional state.
We organized our projects in the Netherlands in four concepts:
- Artists Create Together (ACT!)
ACT! stands for DOING and is based on our vision (‘everyone has talent’). Each person has creativity within them and is in that sense an artist. The ACT! projects speaks to the creative side of participants to come up with solutions for social issues.
- Community Projects
MasterPeace brings people together to build on social cohesion together. The youth (and adults) use their talents to make a difference in their class, school or neighbourhood.
- Social Entrepreneurship
MasterPeace sees social entrepreneurship as one of the answers to challenges we face as citizens, commercial companies and governments. In addition, we believe that young people make the difference. It’s about their future. Creating perspective is crucial by educating them in social entrepreneurship.
- Summits
Every year MasterPeace organizes events where we bring the youth, the creative sector, the business market and the government together. We deal with current social themes to take joint action. Inspire and be inspired!
Project Management
We offer our projects through a train-the-trainer approach. This provides the opportunity to interested parties to execute the projects independently and as often as they like. Of course, we also offer the option to do the project together with the principle “show, do it together, do it yourself”.
See below for an overview of the projects per concept.
ACT! for Global Goals
The United Nations has set up the Sustainable Development Goals to achieve sustainable improvement worldwide. In areas concerning poverty, inequality, quality of education and peaceful cities. In this project young people learn what the SDG’s are and how they can take action themselves. With the help of professional artists, they produce their own artistic expression (think of dance, music or photography) with a social message.
ACT! for Liberty
The end of the Second World War in 1945 laid the foundation for European cooperation and peace. In 2020 that will be 75 years ago. Freedom is more than the absence of war. Participants become aware of and discuss topics such as equality, democracy, freedom of expression, privacy, respect, migration and fake news. We use a game (“the boiling frog”) to provide insight. Participants make a poster to make a statement and work out one solution further. For more information click HERE.
Digital Storytelling
Storytelling in an innovative way by inspiring young people between the ages of 14 and 24 to use their smartphone and having questions about the past, present and future answered. One person asks the questions, the other answers. This way young people learn to tell and share their story. Using question cards, they share what they are proud of and what they dream of. This gives a nice picture of life in the 21st century.
Click HERE for an overview of all ACT! projects.

Community Projects
Walls of Connection
Walls are the epitome of separation! For centuries, people have been walling-out “the other,” dividing and separating themselves for one reason or another. It is time to transform this “walls of separation” into “walls of connection” with art and music.
Young people, local residents and/or colleagues visualize their dream of connection. An artist converts this into a wall painting that is applied together. Additional lessons and/or activities take place around it. Everyone comes together to color the wall and the community!
Nelson Award
With the Nelson Award, heroes and heroines are put in the spotlight. It may not be possible to be as famous as Nelson Mandela, but it is possible for everyone to be a “changemaker”. Residents, students, businesses nominate someone from their environment who is a role model. The winner receives the Nelson award and serves as an inspiration to others.
MasterPeace Walk
A peace walk, in various shapes and sizes; with school or your company, through the neighborhood or even the entire city. The Walk is often the conclusion of a project in which personal development and collaboration are central. MasterPeace clubs from Kenya, Nepal and Georgia also organize leadership walks with and for their community. The journey focuses on learning from each other and nature and personal development.
Click HERE for an overview of all executed Community Projects.
Social Entrepreneurship
Sociaal Entrepreneurship Challenge
The Social Entrepreneurship Challenge helps schools and teachers to offer an attractive and compelling offer to students. At the intersection of the courses sustainability, entrepreneurship and citizenship. Suitable for young people between 16 and 24 years old.
Participating teacher: ‘’I learned the most from how to guide students to a larger goal. Other than classroom teaching.’’
Young people experience social entrepreneurship by solving issues of actual social entrepreneurs.
Participating student: ‘’I found it inspiring that many young social entrepreneurs have made it.’’
The duration of the challenge is 4-5 days with the following components in the program:
- Working in mixed teams;
- Insight into talents of yourself and each other;
- Presentations/Q&A social entrepreneurs;
- Devising innovative solutions;
- Preparation of a business case;
- Delivering results at a fast pace;
- Presenting your ideas to a professional jury of social entrepreneurs;
- One winning team.
Click HERE for an overview of all executed Challenges.

For the past six years, MasterPeace has organized the Great Minds Meeting on the first Monday of September.
The event where we physically bring our network together to inspire each other. Of course, under the supervision of a pre-prepared program around a current social theme. Many beautiful connections are made on this day.
Click HERE for an overview of our executed summits.